October - November 2009 Newsletter

What´s New at Savon

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Quote of the month:  "Gratitude is the inward feeling of kindness received. Thankfulness is the natural impulse to express that feeling. Thanksgiving is the following of that impulse."  Henry Van Dyke (1852 – 1933)

Congratulations to V. Bickle of Gilbert AZ.  Winner of our September drawing for 1 free additional year of membership.

Ms. Bickle was the winner of September drawing for 1 year of membership for free.

Congratulations to A. Dileo of Phoenix AZ.  Winner of our October drawing for 1 free additional year of membership.

Mr. Dileo was the winner of October drawing for 1 year of membership for free.

Congratulations to our winner and thank you to everyone that entered the drawing.

Chairside Chat with Dawn Lawler:

Dawn Lawler

I don't need x-rays and an exam, I just need a cleaning!  (Really?)

Oh, the number of times I've heard this statement.  For me, this argument never gets old.  I am a firm believer that an informed patient, is a happy patient.  So for this, I have a good explanation.

There are several reasons why your dental care provider requires an exam prior to cleaning your teeth.  Dental Boards in most states frown upon treatment of patients without the establishment of a clinical record; i.e., dental x-rays, charting, and initial examination.  Also, without completing a thorough oral exam dentists cannot determine what kind of cleaning you might need or what type of dental treatments are required to help you maintain your dental health.

Patients who have not been treated in years may require a more thorough cleaning, whereas, patients who regularly visit their dentists every 3-6 months may only require a more simple routine cleaning.  Should you have any questions about what type of cleaning you need…don‘t hesitate to speak to your dental staff!!

Happy brushing and flossing!!

If you have a particular topic that you would like her to discuss, please drop her an email by clicking here.

Keeping Fit with Jourdin:


Savon welcomes Jourdin Hendershot

The first installment of "Keeping Fit with Jourdin" will premier in the December 2009 newsletter.

Jourdin is currently living in Michigan where she is studying to become a nurse.  She also works for a medical practice as a personal wellness coach, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy technician as well as assisting in the various other aspects of the practice.  In May she will be relocating to Arizona to attend school and become a permanent part of our team.

Her first discussion will deal with the use, effect and advantages of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy and your personal wellness.

We hope that you will find the topics to be not only interesting but a valuable source of information.  Of course, the most interesting articles will be on topics that you, our readers, suggest.

If you have a topic that you would like covered or questions you would like to discuss with Jourdin, please drop her an email by clicking here.

Southern Comfort with Auntie Que:

Turkey leftovers... Southern style


  • 2 cups of white turkey meat (dark) optional

  • 2 boiled eggs chopped fine

  • 3 ribs of celery chopped fine

  • 1 Sm onion chopped fine

  • ½ cup of pecans chopped fine

  • ½ cup mayonnaise

  • ¼ cup of Green Tomato Chutney

  • ½ tsp celery salt

  • ½ tsp black pepper
Combine all of the ingredients together and mix well.  Serve over a bed of lettuce or with crackers

Enjoy the Holidays!!!

To your health:

To vaccinate or not to vaccinate…that is the question!

With Flu season among us, and the constant media coverage of the H1N1 flu virus, people are becoming more inquisitive as to whether or not they should get vaccinated.  This year, the CDC (Center for Disease Control) has issued 2 separate vaccines to insure that people are properly protected against potential exposure to the flu.  They are recommending that those who chose to be vaccinated, have both the vaccines done.
  1. The first vaccine offers protection against our usual seasonal flu viruses.

  2. The second is the vaccination for the H1N1 flu virus.
Both vaccines offer only mild side effects and information about these vaccines can be found at this government site and the Center for Disease Control.  You will also be able to view the candidate requirements for the vaccine on these sites.

Here‘s wishing you a happy, healthy flu-free winter!

The above health material is provided as an information service.  It should not be used for diagnostic purposes nor is it intended to take the place of the important relationship between you and your doctor.

A question from a member:


How does Savon come up with the fees on the fee schedule?

Savon's Answer:

Every year Savon gathers fees from 100 plan providers and 100 non- plan providers for each of our 8 zones.  These fees are calculated to come up with a statewide average for each dental procedure on the fee schedules.  Savon then discounts that average fee by 50%.

Because we are working with averages, some procedures may work out to be a little more or a little less than a 50% discount off your dentist‘s particular practice fees.  Should you have any questions about the fee schedules, please do not hesitate to give our Customer Service a call at 800-809-3494.

News You Can Use:  News From Inside Your Dental Plan

Looking to make some extra cash each month?

Then join the Savon team!

Savon Dental Plan is currently looking for new sales agents in all 50 states.

Agents earn 25% commission on the policy value of each member they contract, and after 20 sales, the commission goes to 40%.  There are no sign up fees to become an agent and all customer service is handled by Savon‘s Customer Service Department.  This is a great part-time or full-time opportunity for self-motivated, energetic go-getters looking to make some extra money.

For more information check out our Agent Opportunities link or call us at 800-809-3494!

Fun Facts

Crazy, Zany Facts We Bet You Didn't Know

Here turkey, turkey turkey
  • Turkeys are able to adapt to a wide variety of habitats.  However, most turkeys are found in hardwood forests with grassy areas.

  • The best time to see a turkey is on a warm clear day or in a light rain.
They what?
  • Turkeys have heart attacks.  When the Air Force was conducting test runs and breaking the sound barrier, fields of turkeys would drop dead.

  • Turkeys can drown if they look up when it is raining.
Eat, sleep, gobble
  • Turkeys spend the night in trees.  They fly to their roosts around sunset.

  • Turkeys fly to the ground at first light and feed until mid-morning.  Feeding resumes in mid-afternoon.

  • Gobbling starts before sunrise and can continue through most of the morning.
And don't forget the Pilgrims
  • Before the Pilgrims hired her, the Mayflower  was used to transport wine and fish.

  • Pilgrims didn‘t eat in courses as we know them.  All the foods were placed on the table at one time, including dessert, and people ate in any order they chose.

  • The the Mayflower  landed on November 11, 1620, at the tip of Cape Cod.

  • The cranberry is one of only three fruits–the others are the blueberry and the Concord grape–that are entirely native to North American soil, according to the Cape Cod Cranberry Growers' Association
Come back for more in next months issue!

Dental Talk - a member blog forum


Come blog with us!  Dental Talk with Savon is a fun forum to post your interesting topics!  Your comments are welcome, it‘s free to use and no membership is required.

Some of the topics include;

These are just a few of the topics.  Our blog site contains many other interesting topics.  Please join us!!

An Ink Splat..Straight Off The Press:

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Flyers are a form of advertising that is proven to work.

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Call Clayton (TR) at Savon Q Print today!

Corporate Office: 602-841-3494
Print Shop Office: 602-449-7801
Email: Qprint@savondentalplan.com

Savon Dental Plan Is Not Available For Purchase In The State Of Florida
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A Division of Savon Professional Services Inc.
Corporate Offices Located In Phoenix, Arizona  1-602-841-3494
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